ccc od ccc od

exhibition « Extimité »

From 1st february to 29 march 2015

Paule Combey and Patrik Pion have been developing their works, which are dense and metaphysical, rarely exhibited. Since its beginnings in acousmatic music, their collaborative work has gone on to include sculpting – these sculptures are presented for the first time in this exhibition- as well as video, which has been at the heart of their exploration since 2004.


The Combey Pion video installations invite the spectator to dive into intense visual and sound worlds, hypertensive, pushing perception to its limits. Their videos find their origins in the telescoping of varied images coming from cinema, documentary archives and from reality. They set up relationships which dissemble, but which also resonate, referencing an interior world which is hidden deep below.
The aim of these “portions of duration” which they invite us to experience, even confront, is to bring to the surface the affects, creating a breach in thinking which opens up the possibility of other paths.